WarpJams.Com’s World Record Setting Challange

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One of our Association’s missions is to set the World Record for the most simultaneous Raspberry Pi Jam Sessions happening virtually on the same day at the same time.

One of our other goals is to create a statewide network of Raspberry Pi Servers connected together to form a distributed supercomputer cluster to simulate a peer to peer network for working on distributed parallel processing projects and distributed network-attached storage aggregation.

The outcome of each schools Raspberry Pi Jam Session will be to collect donations for the purchase of Raspberry Pi’s to create a permanently attached Raspberry Pi to the school network to allow them to talk to the other schools Raspberry Pi’s to form a peer-to-peer distributed network of Pi’s Running in Parallel to process applications which will pool the cpu processing power, share a portion of the Pi’s storage and networking of all the Raspberry Pi’s together to form a massive shared distributed peer-to-peer blockchain network storage drive. This concept has been put into motion by various organizations with one being https://sia.tech Get your Raspberry Pi Storage Node Set Up today and in various other somewhat related projects like https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/ and https://boinc.berkeley.edu/

For example using RaspberryPi 4 Computers to help find a cure for Covid-19. See this article for more information on how to setup your RaspberryPi 4 SO THAT YOU CAN help find a cure for Covid-19 https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/fight-coronavirus-with-raspberry-pi

This project is inspired by the Los Alamos National Labs 750 Pi Cluster Super Computer project and the Oracle RaspberryPi Super Computer Project and a college research project conceived by Michael Scott McGinn while he attended Cascadia College and co-formed the Next Generation I.T. Club and the Web Applications Programming Technology Users Group to build such a solution using some donated servers to create a distributed server network between colleges.

Our project will need the volunteer efforts of small teams from each school to organize a Raspberry Pi Jam Session during Computer Science Education week each year. Teams of 2 or more leaders will be needed to contact colleges, schools and businesses in their community so the schools can help promote the event to the students of the college or school and the businesses can help promote in their customer base.

Are you interested in planning a Raspberry Pi Jam Session? Simpley register your event using our simple RaspberryPi Jam Session event registration system then get your Raspberry Pi Jam Session domain name registered and get your web site hosting for your event site at GeekZoneHosting.Com,LLC


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HEADS UP: Many of the links on this site are affiliate links and if you click and purchase anything I may recieve a commission at no extra cost to you.
I only recomend products and services I have personally used and vetted. Your support of our mission is greatly appriciated.